Thesis Project Description:
The aim of this research project is to determine the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the intermanual transfer of motor skills from one arm to the other. Although the mechanisms remain largely unknown, the dominant hypothesis suggests that inter-manual transfer is based on an inter-hemispheric transfer of information, potentially via the corpus callosum. Our project aims to test this hypothesis by combining behavioral, clinical and neuroimaging approaches on both healthy volunteers as well as patients with lesions to the corpus callosum. It is hoped that insight will be gained, not only on the neural mechanisms of interlimb transfer, but also on the effects of ageing as well as better characterization of motor deficits in patients with corpus callosum lesions. Work will be performed in collaboration with La Timone hospital and the rehabilitation company Technoconcept, to enable translation of research findings to the clinical and rehabilitative settings.
Thesis Supervisors:
Interdisciplinary Research Axis:
Academic Background:
MSc by Research in Psychology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom