Outreach activities and scientific production

DOC2AMU Scientific production collection (available in Open Access)


Activities to foster the ability to communicate around science and disseminate research results


Workshops on communication:

Ma these en 180 secondes: an international competition dedicated to present within 3 minutes the doctoral research activities to public at large.


Doc’ en clip: 3 minutes Youtube video in English and French on doctoral candidates' research activities and results. The video will be produced and posted on the programme Website as well as on AMU website dedicated to the communication around science. These videoclips will be produced for ESRs from the end of their second year.


Actions dedicated to scholars:

Le goût des sciences: This project targets scholars from secondary and high school. The objective is to raise awareness on science to scholars, develop their ability to create, innovate and foster their motivation to embrace research careers.



Actions directed to the public at large:

Le Printemps des chercheurs: This event is set up by Tous chercheurs team in partnership with other French associations. Young researchers are selected and invited to present their work to public at large. This event generally gathers 60 to 180 people during 2.5 weeks.


Le souk of science: This event is organised all around the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region by AMU students. It is organized in the form of a market with tents where the public comes to discover stories around science in an entertaining and interactive way.


Fête de la science: This event takes place each year in October. AMU participate to this national event and select some researchers to expose their work to the public at large.


European Researchers' Night (NIGHT): It is a Europe-wide public event dedicated to popular science and fun learning. It takes place each year on the last Friday in September. Around 30 countries and over 300 cities are involved. Its objective is to show the different dimensions of science through new forms of dialogue.